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Clinical Pharmacist - PIC

Job description

  • 1 month Assignment.
  • Travel and accom provided.
  • $80/hr + super (exp. locum).


sole pharmacist, supported by a part-time pharmacy technician.

Job No: 47725

Locum Dates: Thursday 01/05/25 - Friday 30/01/25

Work hours: 8am - 4.30pm Mon-Fri

Job Description: You will be Sole Pharmacist with 1 Hospital Pharmacy Technician using IPharmacy dispense. Your duties will include supporting Acute Inpatient Unit, Outpatients Urgent Care and Oncology/Haematology weekly clinic plus providing medication advice. Will be dispensing Chemotherapy.

Skills Required:
* Registered as a pharmacist with the pharmacy board (AHPRA registration)
* Experienced with IPharmacy dispense
* At least 3 years experience as a Clinical Hospital Pharmacist
* Experience with Oncology not essential
* Commitment to medication management
* Excellent verbal communication skills

You will be required to provide a current Police Check, Working with Children Blue Card and current D/L.

Pay Details: $80 p/hr + super.

Extras: Travel expenses (mileage only) and shared self-contained accommodation provided. Parking available at the hospital.

Other Information:
Dispense System: IPharmacy
No. of scripts: N/A
Sole Pharmacist: Yes
Dispense techs: 1 Hospital Pharmacy Technician
Other Staff: N/A
Webster packs: No
Methadone: No

Location Information: This position is located in the Grampians Area of Western Victoria. Nearby wine district, National Parks and breathtaking views throughout the valley.

If you are available for these dates, please call Amal at Raven's Recruitment on 1800 429 829 or reply to this email job ref: 47725