Locum Pharmacist in Charge
Job description
- Only open to Locum Pharmacists living in WA.
- Monday to Saturday roster.
- Dates slightly negotiable, but ideally 5 weeks between end of May and Mid July.
Client & Location Information Community Pharmacy 3 hrs north east of Perth - 1,500 population in town (15,000 population in the Shire). Town has schools, pool, gym, sporting groups, churches and supermarket. Store is located in a strip of shops.
Job Specification: Locum pharmacist, dispensing on FredPlus, opening and store, FOS ordering, customer services.
Dates: Monday 26th May to Saturday 5th July 2025.
(Ideally 4-5 continuous weeks between 26th May and Mid July if start date is later than 26th May.)
Work hours:
Weekdays 9.00am to 5pm (no break).
Saturday 9.00 - 12pm no break.
Closed Sundays.
Experience Required:
* Registration as a Pharmacist with the Pharmacy Board of Australia (AHPRA).
* Fred or Fred Plus preferred.
* Sole Pharmacist exp essential.
Salary & Benefits: (Paid by Pharmacy).
Weekday $70/hr+Super.
Saturday $75hr +Super.
Travel: Mileage $0.99 from in Perth or similar, Flights may be considered if no one from Perth or Similar. Note this role is only open to locums from Western Australia at the current time.
Accommodation provided: Behind the pharmacy - 1 bedroom furnished unit , aircon, tv etc. and there is wifi. The town is small but has all the usual commodities.
How to Apply: Submit your interest online via our advert (and include your resume)or if you are registered with us contact Sheryll Dobson directly for a confidential discussion on 1800 429 829 or email Sheryll@ravensrecruitment.com.au quoting job ref 47539

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