Welcome to Your Pharmacy Career Podcast, proudly brought to you by Raven's Recruitment, Australia's leading specialist pharmacy recruitment agency. The podcast series is being created to shine a light on the diverse and inspiring careers of Australia's pharmacists. Each episode will focus on the varied career opportunities within the pharmacy industry by exploring the career paths taken by leaders in the fields of Community Pharmacy, Hospital, Industry, Government and Professional Organizations. Careers never follow a defined path. Everyone's story is different and unique in their own way. The podcast series will help you discover the world of opportunities that exist and reveal pathways to achieve your dreams and aspirations. Whether you are a pharmacy student, early career pharmacist, or simply looking for a change at any stage of your career, the podcast series is designed to help you navigate ways into a career and a life that you love. Your host of the podcast series is Allie Xu. Allie, herself a pharmacist, is now the founder of Global Pharmacy Entrepreneurs and a passionate advocate for pharmacists to grow, innovate, excel, and make a lasting impact in the world. It's now over to our host, Allie Xu.
[Allie Xu] Hi, Rebecca, how are you today?
[Rebecca Young] Good, thank you.
[Allie Xu] We're so excited to get to know you and get to know your pharmacy journey. So tell us about your story. Where did you grow up?
[Rebecca Young] Thank you. Well, I grew up in New Zealand. My dad was a pharmacist and I grew up working in my dad's pharmacy. I was always interested in health care, and while I was younger and at university I spent lots of time doing different jobs, from topping bottles, counting pills, being the delivery girl, packing Webster's. And then I guess I became the dispense technician. And later on, I also helped out being a pharmacist in my father's pharmacy. I studied at Otago University. And after I graduated, I did my internship in Wellington in New Zealand. And I spent my first couple years in Wellington. So my internship was in a city pharmacy, which was quite different. And then after that, I went for late night pharmacy, which was also- did a lot of opioid substitution, which was quite interesting. And then I went out to another suburban pharmacy, which dealt with a large mental health unit. So I dealt with lots of clozapine patients, which was really interesting, understanding more about schizophrenia and some of the other conditions that they were being used for. And then after that, I actually went to the UK and did my big OE. So the plan was to actually stay over there, and I registered in the UK. I worked at King's College Hospital. And so I became registered in the UK. But I actually decided to come back to New Zealand not long after to be with my now husband. So I had another brief stint in New Zealand. And then we randomly one night decided that we would like to move to Australia. And it was a very abrupt decision. I think it surprised everyone because I hadn't been back in New Zealand long, maybe about four or five months. At the time, South Australia was the only state in Australia that I didn't have to do four weeks to register. This was before AHPRA. So we decided on South Australia and my husband, being a winemaker, he chose a wine region. And we ended up in the Barossa Valley. So that was our first stint in Australia. So I ended up locuming for a few months, which was really interesting. And it was my first opportunity to get to know pharmacy in Australia. So I was really thrown in the deep end. And I really didn't need those four weeks to learn the ropes because the laws were all different again, the drugs were different. But I quickly picked it up. And then we ended up moving to the Barossa Valley where I had a couple of years working in an amazing pharmacy there. And then my husband’s- the winery he was working for at the time was being relocated to Canberra. And I was so excited because there's not many wine regions in cities, and whilst many people in Australia may not consider Canberra to be a big city, it was a great opportunity to live and work in a city. And when I investigated which pharmacies I wanted to work in in Canberra, the Capital Chemists group stood out for me, they are very community-orientated and the patients are the center of everything that they do. And they've got a wonderful reputation in Canberra, but not just in Canberra. They are also in many other states now in Australia. But they did start in Canberra. So I started at Capital Chemists, Chisholm 11 and 1/2 years ago, and that's where I have been ever since. So I started off working as a pharmacist, and then I sort of got thrown into a managerial role there. And eventually, I got tapped on the shoulder after- not long after being there, actually, and had the opportunity to become the managing partner there. And so that's where I've been now, for the last, yeah, 11 and 1/2 years.
[Allie Xu] Wow, what an amazing journey. So what are some of the opportunities you had throughout your career, and how did you get those opportunities?
[Rebecca Young] Yeah, so I’ve had opportunities to work in many different pharmacies, including hospital pharmacy in the UK. And I guess I sort of sought out these opportunities. And as my career progressed, I guess I targeted places that I wanted to work. And at the beginning, I guess it was, you know, depending on where I was living at the time. And some of the places I've worked were small towns, so there weren't as many options. But for example, yeah, as I said, when I moved to Canberra, it was a very targeted decision to wait for the Capital Chemists group, so. And then, when I got the opportunity to manage Capital Chemists, Chisholm, it was also an opportunity to prove myself. And because my father was an owner, I didn't know at that point, whether it was something I wanted to do. Because I’d seen him work so hard and I just wasn't sure if I wanted to get into ownership, because it is a big commitment. But I thoroughly enjoyed managing the pharmacy. And I treated it like it was my own. And I just embraced, you know, the extra responsibility looking after the team. And I think that sort of then led to the next opportunity of ownership and some of the other opportunities that have presented themselves in recent years.
[Allie Xu] Mmm, wow. So did you have any role models or mentors in your life, and what are some of the lessons you've learnt from those who shaped your career development?
[Rebecca Young] I've definitely had role models and mentors, I guess my father has always been a really good role model. Dad's always worked really hard. And he always looked after his staff really well. He was very well respected by his team, and also his local community. And I think that always stood out. And he was well liked, so I think he always treated his staff with respect, and lead by example. And I think that's something that I've embraced, as, you know, management positions, and also as an owner. Roger and Gary, who started the Capital Chemists group — differently admire them both. And you know, Roger, we have an amazing Capital Chemists community matters program, which supports many local charities and community groups. And that was sort of Roger’s baby and he's still very much heavily involved in that. And I think there's something quite unique about the Capital chemists group. And also, you know, all the partners and the staff and their families also encouraged to be involved in that, to give back to the community. And Gary, who was the other senior partner who started the group, he's also been a wonderful mentor over the years. He's helped with teaching me how to do lease negotiations. We've had a number of lease negotiations over the years and I've learnt a lot from that. A lot of the business side of things, Gary's always been there to support. And yeah, so over the years, I have learnt a lot from both of them. Two group business managers, Peter Downing and Andrew Topp have also been role models. And I guess at times when I've got a bit excited and carried away with ideas, or if I've made mistakes — and we all make mistakes — they've been there to support me and give me advice. And I really appreciated everything they’ve done for me over the years and I've learned a lot from them. One of my first mentors, also probably female mentors, was Wendy, who was our group accountant at the time. So she taught me how to do the bookkeeping. So for the first couple of years of owning the business, I actually did the bookkeeping myself, and I think that was a really critical skill to learn, because it taught me how to understand the numbers. We’re trained as health professionals, not as business owners. And whilst I’ve upskilled in those areas over the years, it's not something I learned at university. And when I became an owner, it all happened quite quickly that I didn't really have time, I didn't really know what I was doing. You learn some of it as you go. But Wendy really helped me with the financial aspect of the business, which is critical. To be able to run a successful business, you need to have an understanding of the numbers so that the business can be financially viable. And also, I've had other business advisors over the years as well. And each and every one of those I've learned something from. And when they’ve offered advice, I've always considered what they've said and made changes. I haven't made every change that they've suggested, but have certainly thought about what they've said and adopted it if I thought it was going to improve the business.
[Allie Xu] Wow. So what are some of the qualities and skills pharmacy students or early career pharmacists can develop early on to prepare for their successful pharmacy ownership or career?
[Rebecca Young] I think one of the best things that students can do is actually work in a pharmacy when they're studying. We currently have four pharmacy students, and I get really excited when we get a pharmacy student wanting to work in the pharmacy. So when they do placements, I think it's a really good time to suss out particular pharmacies that may be of interest to them. And then if they get the opportunity to work there again whilst they’re studying, I think it just helps them once they get to the intern year and obviously become an early career pharmacist. So, I think that's probably the number one thing. And I know, as an employer, if I have two people wanting to apply for a job, someone that sort of works through and got experience, if they’re comparable, is always going to be the standout. I think also learning how to time-manage is very important. And start to get that work life balance happening, because mental health and well being is so important. And while student life might get stressful at times, once you start getting working, and you get a family, and maybe you're in a business, and you're trying to do other activities as well, you have to be able to cope with that pressure as well. So if you can start to develop those things, you know, early on, when you're studying, I think that helps set you up as well.
[Allie Xu] Mmm. And how did you develop those skills or become a leader that you are today?
[Rebecca Young] Over the years, I've seized any training opportunities, and I've always been excited by them. And when I've been at those trainings, I’ve asked questions, also made sure that I'm networking with the right people. So I think it's really important to build that network that you can, then you can call upon those people. And don't be scared to just because someone might be a lot more experienced than you or they might live somewhere else. Don't be scared to put yourself out there and ask, because you probably find most people are willing to help if you're interested and if you’re keen. So yeah, aligning yourself with those that bring out the best in you and inspire you and support you, I think is probably what I'd recommend.
[Allie Xu] What are your advice on people's skills? We know that as pharmacy students, we study really hard throughout all high school and university. We don't get so much of the people or how to deal with conflict or there’s emotional intelligence. What's your advice for pharmacy students?
[Rebecca Young] Work in a community pharmacy. We deal with so many different people, hundreds of people every single day. And whilst we have many patients that love us, people that are coming to see us are often unwell. So there will be times where you do have to have those difficult conversations. And people may not be that happy at the end of it, so that becomes with experience, practice. And I know when I have students whether they’re pharmacy students or not, I do see them develop and blossom as time goes on. And I think that's really exciting. I enjoy mentoring students and seeing the progress. And I think the best way to develop those language skills is just to get out there, Because some people are naturally good at it, some people do need to be coached and have practice. And the more practice you have, the better that you get it. And I mean, again, there are lots of trainings that you can go to. But I think real life experience is probably the best way to learn.
[Allie Xu] We hear different views about learning — speaking of learning — and continued professional development in general. What's your advice on job training, as well as external training? We know that, you know, it's very important to work in a community pharmacy.
[Rebecca Young] Yeah, sure. So as I've already talked about, working in a pharmacy when you're studying, I think is really important. And then when you get to that intern year, it’s finding an intern training site and a preceptor that's going to support you, mentor you, and challenge you. Because the real world is very different to being at university. Be curious, be open minded about trainings. I guess when I was training early on, I sort of focused on really the clinical side of things. I just finished my HMR accreditation when I became a business owner. And then since then I haven't had as much time to do HMRs and I guess my focus has changed. So I guess also pharmacy has changed as well. So scope of practice has changed. So I guess we've had to upscale with things like vaccination trainings, sleep apnea trainings. And as we've grown our business and put in more consult rooms, we're also doing more health services. So we're having to upscale in those areas. And also, over the years, I've spent more time learning about the business side of pharmacy. And not just within our industry, also outside of pharmacy and learning from other great leaders, business women and men, and leaders in the field so that you get new ideas. So I think training never ends. I think just the focus of what you are training may change. And I've just finished actually having a conversation today with my intern who's almost a pharmacist. He's just submitted his APHRA paperwork yesterday, which we're all thrilled about. And I was just having this exact conversation with him today that, you know, he's been focused on just getting through his intern year and getting used to working in community pharmacy because he hadn't worked- or he hadn't spent much time working community pharmacy, I should say. But now as a newly registered pharmacist, when his APHRA paperwork comes through, he needs to develop different skills. And I guess, the first thing is to become confident being a pharmacist, because you go from having everything checked to then being on your own. Even though he won't be on his own, but it is quite different. So you've got to have that confidence, and then it's developing those skills and building on them. And whilst he's already got very good foundations, we continue to learn and grow. And, you know, it depends what stage of your life you are at what the focus may be. But there are so many wonderful training opportunities out there and hopefully in 2021, we'll be able to have more face-to-face trainings. And I think, you know, students, interns, early career pharmacists, they just need to keep up the training. And you know, it might be zoom, it might be face-to-face. And if you get the opportunities to go to some of the conferences, it's such a great way to meet people and it might end up being your next pharmacy opportunity. So if you just stick doing the same thing, you may not realize what you're missing out on.
[Allie Xu] Mmm, thank you. So in community pharmacy, what are some opportunities for growth in this area?
[Rebecca Young] Community pharmacy has changed so much, even in the 11 and 1/2 I've been at Chisholm. When I first started, for example, there was no consult room. So now we have three dedicated consult rooms. So I think hopefully, there'll be a COVID vaccine, which would be really exciting. So I'd like to see more vaccinations happening. We've had our busiest year with flu vaccinations this year, and hopefully the vaccination levels will continue to increase. And I think, you know, we've been involved with sleep apnea, and that has been one of our biggest health services. And it's such- it can be quite complex. And I think it is really exciting, because the positive impact it can make on patients’ lives, when you can get that therapy started and they start to feel better, it is amazing. It's really rewarding, too, for all the team when they get to see those results. And the patients — and their families, because it's often the families that are the ones that initiate the discussion with us — they're so grateful for it. So vaccinations. This year in particular, we've all had a massive year with, you know, the bushfires and COVID. And with that, continued dispensing has come into play. Well, more continued dispensing, I should say. And I would like to- well, hope that that could stay in place. Collaboration with other health care professionals will continue to hopefully improve and increase to ultimately improve health outcomes for patients. And hopefully, pharmacists prescribing as well. So we've seen that in some states and other countries. But it'd be great if it could be expanded and rolled out in other states in Australia as well. So I think there's so many exciting opportunities. Pharmacists’ role is no longer just dispensing, being at the back of the pharmacy. Now we have robots, we’re at the front of the pharmacy, engaging with our patients, making a difference in their lives. So I think, yeah, there's so much to do. I don't really want my pharmacist to be dispensing. I want them to be out there. So yeah, there's so many opportunities, I think, so it’ll be interesting to say what happens in the next few years.
[Allie Xu] Yeah. How exciting. Well, what would you do differently if you can restart your pharmacy career?
[Rebecca Young] Oh, that's a difficult one to answer. I don't know that I'll do anything differently. Because, whilst I did a lot of different things at the beginning, I think I also learned a lot from each and every experience. Not every experience was positive. One of those late night pharmacies that I worked in that did a lot of the opioid substitution, they weren't doing things correctly and the way I felt comfortable. So I actually left that pharmacy and I think, you know, I learnt what not to do at that pharmacy. And I think sometimes that's also really important. So whilst I have worked in some amazing pharmacies and learnt so much whilst I've been there, I think some of those other opportunities, you also learn what not to do. And I think that also helps. I think having to quickly adapt when I've gone to register in three different countries. I know it's not quite that easy to be able to do that, especially with COVID and Visas now, but I think I wouldn't change that. I don't know that I would change much, actually. I think, before you settle down, and particularly if you're going to become a business owner, it is such a big commitment. And I remember being told that when I first was offered a partnership that, I think probably looking at my CV — because I chopped and changed so much at the beginning — I think maybe there was a little bit of concern that I may not stick it out. But I think when you find something that you really love, and you're really passionate about, you know it's the right thing to do. And I never hesitated when I got an opportunity to become a partner in the Capital Chemists group. I was so excited I wanted it to happen that day. I had to be a little bit patient, there was a bit that needed to happen. So I think sometimes you've got to work out what's the right fit for you. I also love traveling, so I think, you know, when we can travel again — sometimes having a little bit of life experience, particularly in community pharmacy, I think it also does help. I think it enables you to empathize with patients, sometimes have a bit more credibility with them, too, if you've experienced certain things. And I've also got two children. So also from being a mother too, and I've incorporated that into my career as well, sort of fitted that in as well. I think that has also helped me become a better leader, as well, and empathize more with my team. And I have a better understanding. And I think all of those things have helped. So I haven't really answered your question, but I don't think there is anything I would change because I think each and everything I've done has helped get me to where I have been today. And I think it really also makes me appreciate what I've got now. And I would never not want to be a business owner now. I love ownership. I love my community pharmacy. I love our team and our local community. And I can't imagine doing anything else at this point in time.
[Allie Xu] I'm really curious, that sounds like your team, the Capital Chemist team, is such a great place to work at. What's the secret ingredient for this amazing group?
[Rebecca Young] It is a very special group. They do say you become part of the Capital Chemists family. I think we all support each other. And the partners are willing to share and assist any of the partners or any of the team members do the best they can be. And the focus is always the patient and providing the best health outcomes. So we share the same vision and values. So I think as a wider group, I have never experienced a pharmacy group like it, and I have worked for a number of different groups. And my father does say to me how fortunate I am, though I'm very proud to be part of the group. And it is a smallish group. But we've got some big names in the group and some top achievers. And I can always pick up the phone or email someone and get ideas and everyone is very responsive and always willing to share. So yeah, it is very special, snd I think it is quite unique as well.
[Allie Xu] Mmm. If pharmacy students or early career pharmacists are looking at getting into pharmacy ownership, what are some advice?
[Rebecca Young] Yeah, I think finding someone that you work well with, and that you respect, and you share the same values, and the same work ethic, I think that's really important. So I think working out what sort of pharmacy that you want to be involved in is really important because there's obviously lots of different models of community pharmacy. And our community pharmacy group is obviously very health-focused and community-focused. So I think that's probably the first thing is working out what sort of group you want to be aligned with. And then finding, I guess, a location. Ownership opportunities don't always come up all the time. But sometimes, if you ever get tapped on the shoulder or an opportunity, even if the timing’s not perfect, sometimes you’ve just got to say, “Yes,” and take the opportunity. Because you don't know when the next opportunity’s going to come up. But I think the best thing to do is just get in and start working. And if you are keen and willing to learn, ask questions and show initiative and want to be involved. I know when I first joined the group, I turned up to Australia with a backpack and no money because I’d just spent all my money traveling overseas after I’d done my registration in the UK. So I was willing and keen to work and do whatever shifts I could. And you know, pharmacy is open seven day- or community pharmacy, most places these days are open seven days a week and long hours. So if you’re keen and interested, and then also — it's not just about the clinical stuff — if you show initiative with helping manage the team or helping with stock management and get an understanding of all of these things, often, I think you'd be surprised that the owners are willing to share some of the- offload some of that responsibility and to delegate it, if it is the right person. And also it is about earning trust and respect, because it is, you know, as a business owner, we invest so much time into our businesses, that we need to be able to trust and respect our team members. And I think developing that trust and respect once you've got that, then I'm sure that owners are willing to share, if you're in the right place. And I guess the Capital Chemists group, for example, love bringing on, you know, junior partners and supporting them through that journey. So there are pathways to ownership. So again, which is quite unique. And yeah, I feel so lucky to have the opportunity that I had. And sometimes it is about being in the right place at the right time. And be prepared to take a risk. Because, you know, we don't know what it's going to be like. And when I started at Chisholm, it was quite a small pharmacy. But over the years, we've grown that business, and it's taken hard work, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
[Allie Xu] And we know that you’re a mom of two. So how do you prepare to have children as well as working in a busy pharmacy and owning a busy pharmacy? Did you have your kids while you’d already become an earner?
[Rebecca Young] Yeah, it's a really interesting question. So I actually had had the business for a couple of years before I had my children. And again, it wasn't really planned like that, it was just when it all happened. And as I said, you sometimes can’t pick when these opportunities arise. So if you get an opportunity, I think you should seize it. But also, if you're in the right group, they should support you having children. The Capital Chemists group have, I think, currently have more female partners than male partners. It's almost 50/50. But I think the females have just overtaken the males, which is really exciting. And a large number of them are mothers, working mothers. And, you know, we are all partners that work in the businesses. So everyone's got their own way of managing, you know, working and having children, but it can most certainly be done. But I think it's about building that network, that support, and having the right team that can enable you to be a mom, be a business owner, and still be successful. And you can do both. It is a juggle, and I'm not gonna say it's easy, all the time. But it can be done. And I know my girls are very proud of mummy winning a trophy this year. My youngest, who's five was hoping it would come with ice cream in it, but — she thought it would be really cool with those ice cream in the trophy — sadly, it wasn't shaped that way, I'm not sure where the ice cream would have gone. But I think, you know, we're then becoming role models for, you know, our daughters or sons. And I think it doesn't hurt to see us working hard and leading by example. And, you know, leading a team and growing and helping, you know, train and mentor other students and pharmacists, and they like to be involved in some of those. They like to know what's going on as well. So yeah.
[Allie Xu] Also have another question, I’m curious — I saw your LinkedIn profile that you won all the pharmacy of the year, like 2018 and 2019 were both Capital Chemist. So what makes you different? What's that secret ingredient? What's that strength? Or what’s that pushing you towards where you are now?
[Rebecca Young] There are so many amazing pharmacies in the group, so the bar is quite high. Our team are quite competitive. And I do set the team KPIs. And I think back in 2018 — we'd won a number of years ago, quite early on when I had the business — and I think in 2018, we've made some significant changes in. I think that was after our second shop refit. And we'd really been working on the business aspect. And that was sort of when we'd really started putting in more health services including- might have been around the time of sleep apnea. So I think our team had been together quite a while. I've got a lot of team members now that have been with me 8/9 years. So when I first started the business, we sort of have grown the team and they've stuck with me and we’ve all been through children together, we’ve been through deaths, we’ve been through three shopfits, we've now been through bushfires, COVID. So we've been through a lot together. So they were pretty keen to win that trophy at the time, we all worked hard, worked together, and we set goals and we, you know, strive to achieve them. And then we ended up winning it again, which we were pretty excited about. And then obviously, pharmacy of the year this year has been, I think that's the pinnacle, though. So I think it's been the highlight of, you know, my business career in pharmacy, so. But I couldn't have done it without each and every one of our team, and so. And they know that too. They’ve all played a very important part to getting to where we have today. So yes, so whilst we may have won a couple of trophies lately, I think we always strive to do better. There's always better ways of providing health care to our patients and our community. So I'm never satisfied. You know, we always are looking for new opportunities, new ideas, and perhaps that may have also helped.
[Allie Xu] Yeah. And so I'm interested in the team dynamic you have. You said everyone worked together for a long period of time. We know that often there are other pharmacies will have high turnover. What's the secret that’s keeping everybody together and having the same goal and working well together?
[Rebecca Young] I think we all trust and respect each other. As I said, we've been through a lot together, we've had our ups and downs. But we've always sort of had a clear idea of where we want to be and where we're heading. And I've always involved the team and that decision making. Things haven't always been perfect. But we've always learnt from our mistakes. And I think, you know, we have lots of different personalities, but we all understand each other. And I think over the years, too — and part of this has come with sort of leadership training — is trying to understand everyone's strengths and weaknesses. So there's no point making someone do something if they don't like doing it and, you know, it's not something that they feel comfortable doing. So I think as our team has expanded, we've really tried to find roles that suit different personalities. And I think that has also led to better job satisfaction as well. And whilst, you know, there are still tasks that people may not love doing all the time that just have to be done, we want people happy in the workplace. We have a very diverse workplace, flexible workplace, and the team are all motivated. And we all share the same vision and values. So that, again, is not something that's happened overnight. It's taken years. And we also get excited when we get a new student or a new intern and then they bring new ideas to the team. And the team have embraced change over the years. There was a bit of resistance at the beginning, because it was a big change. But over the years, they now see. If there's a massive change that we want to implement, we explain why we're doing it, what we want to achieve, and then we discuss the outcomes. So I think when they understand why we're doing something, and how it's going to improve things for everyone, then everyone becomes on board with it. So yeah.
[Allie Xu] Wow. That is so important, isn’t it? Having a good team working together towards the same goal.
[Rebecca Young] Absolutely, yeah.
[Allie Xu] So next question is, if you have one piece of advice for pharmacy, student and intern pharmacists, and early career pharmacists, both professionally and personally, what would it be?
[Rebecca Young] Oh, I think, to have confidence in yourself and don't be scared to take risks. If you choose to just sit back and just turn up to work every day and take the easy approach, you know, you're never going to be challenged, you won't get some of the opportunities that are out there. So you need to put yourself out there, go to different events, learn. If a workplace isn't the right place for you, there are other workplaces that might be a better fit. So don't be scared to change if something's not right. Also try and find that balance in your life because it's not just about work, you've got to be able to enjoy what you do, and also be able to relax. And I mean, I love my traveling, I love my exercise, and I love spending time with my family and friends, so. It is hard to- you've got to try and get that balance. But, you know, if you work hard, and you are honest, and keen, and unenthusiastic, then I think opportunities will come if you're willing to take the chance.
[Allie Xu] So if you are counseling a student about to graduate from their course, and not sure where to do their internship, or what field to get into, what advice would you give to them?
[Rebecca Young] To come into community pharmacy with the Capital Chemists group. [Laughing] No. Well, yes, I would encourage them to do that. But obviously, I am biased, but we love having interns. And I think getting prepared early- dare I say the good interns are often organized. And I have concerns when I see CVs coming through at the end of the year, because I think it sometimes reflects upon their performance. So I like to be able to lock in interns, even February, March or the year before, so. And I personally am very organized, and it's a way I operate my business. So at the moment, I've sort of already got one intern lined up for 2022. I'd love to have another one. And I'll be recruiting more students, you know, early next year, once they all get through exams. But I think, you know, pharmacists, particularly owners like myself, like to have that plan in place. And I think it's also good for the students too, because then they know where they're going to be working and at something they don't need to worry about when they can just focus on the studies. But obviously, even better if they can work in that pharmacy beforehand. So they've already got an understanding of the business.
[Allie Xu] Mmm. One more question is, what about for early career pharmacist or pharmacists already past internship, but they haven't found them what they really connect with? What's your advice for those pharmacist?
[Rebecca Young] I think, if you're open and honest with your employer, and you're in a group, for example, Capital Chemists, there might be a pharmacy that specializes, for example, and IVF. And so if that's what they want to focus on, then we may be able to help with the introductions. Or even our head office, they will point a student in the right direction. So if, you know, a pharmacy student is really interested in sleep apnea, for example, that's something that we specialize in, then it might be something you know, that come to us. But also, I'm always willing to try new things, new services. So if a student comes to us, and they want to implement a new service or a new idea, I think that's amazing. And I get really excited by that. And I think it shows initiative, passion, and I think, also, a good business sense as well, so. Or if they also want to get into the business side of things there are, as I said, with the Capital Chemists group, pathways to ownership. So we can help with that process as well. So I think students sometimes are scared about ownership. It doesn't need to be scary. I think it is amazing to be able to combine being a healthcare professional and also being a business owner. And it can be so rewarding to be able to do both, so I'd love to see more students wanting to hit down the ownership path. And there are pharmacy owners that would love to mentor and support students in that journey. And I definitely would love to get some keen students to be able to support and do that.
[Allie Xu] Wow, thank you. Thank you so much for your time.
[Rebecca Young] That's okay, thank you. Thank you for having me.
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