As a locum you are working across so many different pharmacies, so we have put together a few tips on ensuring you can be the best possible locum:
Making a good first impression is very important. If the pharmacy has a dress code, make sure to follow it.
Even though your locum role is a casual commitment, make sure not to cancel your booking last minute. It is always handy to note your booking in a diary, calendar or pop up reminders.
It would be a great idea to get your immunisation certificate - lately owners have been asking for it more.
Be flexible to the workplace: everyone has their way of doing things, but when you are a guest in a new environment it helps to follow the policies & procedures of that specific store.
It is certainly not a good idea for a locum to be using their mobile phone for personal reasons during work hours.
Be confident in your skills & don’t be afraid to use them and vice versa by learning from your colleagues at the pharmacy.
For more tips on how to be a fantastic locum, please give us a call to receive a copy of our brand new Raven’s Locum Pack.
Visit the Pharmacy Daily edition published on Monday 2nd July 2018 - http://issues.pharmacydaily.com.au/2018/Jul18/pd020718.pdf